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Coinbase’ new Layer 2 ‘BASE’ and Optimism coins: A bright future

Coinbase has released a new layer 2 network for Ethereum over an Optimism rollup, which is causing ecosystem coins to rise.
| CryptoPress
 | Last updated: June 3, 2023
| CryptoPress
Last updated: June 3, 2023


Coinbase, the leading US cryptocurrency exchange, has launched a new layer 2 Optimism rollup for Ethereum, aimed at making transactions faster and cheaper. However, the launch has been met with some challenges, with users reporting slow transaction times and high fees. Even with these problems at first, the new network shows promise for a more efficient Ethereum ecosystem. In fact, the value of several coins in the OP ecosystem has gone up because of this. 

Coinbase’s New Layer 2 Network

Coinbase’s new layer 2 network, called Base, is built on the Ethereum blockchain and aims to solve some of the scalability issues that have plagued Ethereum in the past. By using a technique called “optimistic rollups,” Coinbase Optimism can bundle multiple transactions into a single transaction, reducing the load on the Ethereum blockchain and decreasing transaction fees.

However, despite the potential benefits of this new network, it has gotten off to a rocky start. Many users have said that transactions take too long and cost too much, and some have even had transactions fail. Users are upset about this, and it makes people question whether the new network will work.

Optimism Ecosystem Coins:

Despite some initial issues with the Coinbase Optimism rollup, the introduction of the new network has increased the value of a number of coins within the Optimism ecosystem, including Uniswap and SushiSwap. These coins are built on the Ethereum blockchain, and their success depends on Coinbase Optimism. With the launch of the new network, many investors are positive about the future of these coins and the possibility of a more efficient Ethereum ecosystem.

And this is no small deal. Coinbase’s landing on this Layer 2 solution on Ethereum is backed by the strength that its 120 million users can bring to the Defi ecosystem.

In Brief:

  • Coinbase has launched a new layer 2 network for Ethereum called Coinbase Optimism.
  • The new network uses optimistic rollups to bundle transactions and reduce fees.
  • However, the launch has been met with some challenges, including slow transaction times and high fees.
  • Despite these initial hurdles, several optimism ecosystem coins have seen a surge in value, with investors optimistic about the future of these coins and the potential for a more efficient Ethereum ecosystem.

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