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Press Release – Case Study

Reach a wider audience with your brand and successfully interact with your customers.


Press release marketing, as well as other types of branded content, is a great option for startups that want to use public relations services to rank well in search engines.

Provided Services


  • Overcoming the hurdle of restricted online advertising for crypto issues
  • Overcoming ad blockers that filter out banners
  • Get your cryptocurrency news to the right audience
  • Make crypto news spread faster
  • Establish authority in the cryptocurrency world


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Our approach

Experience and knowledge of the crypto world.

Press releases get good search engine rankings and drive traffic to your website, with better ROI results compared to other more expensive, complex, and even controversial options as they sometimes condition crypto issues with different restrictions.

* Results may vary over time.


Analytical information on some of the results of the publication of press releases for the case under study.

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Vistas totales
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GEOs alcanzados


Floki’s latest press releases cost $350. According to post-release statistics, the press releases generated more than 1,000 visits to its website. By arithmetic, that’s less than $0.35 per click, which is better than typical PPC pricing.

Search Results

Internet press releases take full advantage of Google’s “freshness” algorithm, providing timely bursts that first rank very high but then fade. While it could be argued that press releases have no SEO value because they “disappear,” it is also true that, when integrated into a broader content and link building strategy, they can be the hook that brings in that extra traffic.


Press release links, while not the most “natural” links, last long after the press release has been published. Also press release websites are frequent targets of certain people who pick up the content as a scraping technique, which is great for whoever published that press release. Most of the information is copy and pasted, which means the links will still be there, but they will come from a new SEO-boosting domain.

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