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Scroll airdrop

Scroll Airdrop: A Quick Guide to Interacting with the Ecosystem

Scroll Airdrop: A Quick Guide to Bridging Funds, Engaging with the Testnet, and More

What is Scroll?

Scroll is a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that uses zero-knowledge rollups (zkEVMs) to process transactions off-chain and then send the transaction data back to the main chain. This approach increases transaction speed and reduces costs.


ScrollUnconfirmed 🚫MediumLayer 2 scaling solution for EthereumETH

Indicators of a possible airdrop

The Scroll team has raised $80 million from notable venture capitalists, which suggests that an airdrop may be in the works. Additionally, the Scroll team recently integrated with the Test Goerli Ethereum network, which has caught the attention of the Ethereum community.


  • Scalability: Scroll is designed to be more scalable than the Ethereum main chain, meaning that it can process transactions faster.
  • EVM Compatibility: Scroll is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which means that developers familiar with Solidity can easily port their applications to Scroll.
  • Safety: The Scroll team has conducted external audits to identify and fix any potential vulnerabilities in the code.

In summary, Scroll is a promising layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that has the potential to improve the scalability, speed, and cost-effectiveness of Ethereum transactions.

How to Get Started with the Scroll Airdrop

There are two main ways right now to do it:

  1. 🌉 Bridge Funds
  2. 🔄 Engage with the Testnet

Airdrop steps:

  1. Add Scroll Alpha Testnet to MetaMask.
  2. Claim Goerli ETH from Goerli Faucet.
  3. Bridge Goerli ETH to Scroll L2.
  4. Bridge Scroll L2 to Goerli.
  5. Send ETH to another wallet using MetaMask.
  6. Interact with Scroll Ecosystem.
  7. Use Scroll Alpha on Aave.
  8. Use Scroll Alpha network on SyncSwap.
  9. Interact with Izumi Finance.
  10. Perform swaps and add liquidity using Symbiosis.

⏳ What’s Next? 

The specific schedule for distributing tokens is unclear, but taking proactive action now may lead to future benefits. Don’t be late!

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