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Tag: Guides

How to avoid the risks of cryptocurrency yield farms

Crypto Yield Farms have the potential to be an excellent method to make passive income; but, investing in them is not without its associated dangers. What is Yield Farming? Yield farming is a means for any digital asset or cryptocurrency owner to earn passive income as incentives or interest. Depending on whatever crypto farm services you use, your deposit interest may be constant or fluctuate over time. Yield farming requires “Liquidity...

DeFi, Featured, Guides, Yield farming

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What is a cryptocurrency mixer?

Crypto mixers combine several digital currencies to obscure their transactions, making them almost undetectable. Using a coin mixer allows non-anonymity-centric cryptocurrency users to mix their currencies with those of others, therefore avoiding the monitoring of such tokens by centralized institutions. The purpose of cryptocurrency mixers is to mix your cryptoassets with those of other users in order to execute innumerable transactions...

Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, Featured, Guides

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What are NFTs?

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are a new form of digital asset that represent real-world objects like art, music, and in-game items. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency, and they are generally encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos. What this means is that an NFT is not fungible: each one is unique. And if one has been sold, there can be no other exactly like it. This makes them similar to collectibles...

Blockchain, Ethereum, Featured, Guides, NFTs

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How Crypto Bear Markets Function

If you’re new to the world of cryptocurrency, bear markets can be a scary thing. Bear markets are traditionally thought of as a time when an asset trades below its prior high by 20% or more, usually accompanied by a lot of pessimism about the near-term future. People often think of bear markets as being an indication that the asset is doomed to fail, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, it’s possible for assets to enter...

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Featured, Guides

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What is a rollup in crypto?

Among the new functions of the Ethereum network to solve its problems of scale, speed, and transaction costs is the “rollup” function, which is an off-chain method of carrying out transactions. A rollup is a method of performing transactions outside the main Ethereum blockchain and sending only the outcome of those transactions back to the main Ethereum network. This allows for a higher volume of transactions to be settled on the...

Cryptocurrencies, ETH2, Ethereum, Featured, Guides

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