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UTXO stands for Unspent Transaction Output. In the context of Bitcoin, it refers to the individual units of Bitcoin that have not yet been used or spent in previous transactions. Each UTXO holds a specific value, typically denoted in satoshis, the smallest unit of Bitcoin. These UTXOs are associated with the public key addresses of their recipients, allowing for the traceability and accountability of Bitcoin transactions.

When a user initiates a transaction and spends a certain amount of Bitcoin, the UTXOs associated with their address are consumed, creating new UTXOs for the recipient. To better visualize the concept of UTXOs, consider a digital wallet that has a balance of 2.5 Bitcoin, composed of several UTXOs; When the wallet user makes a transaction and sends 1 Bitcoin to another address, 1.5 Bitcoins remain in unspent transactions.

The concept of UTXOs forms the foundation of how transactions are structured and verified on the Bitcoin blockchain. Unlike traditional banking systems that utilize account balances, Bitcoin transactions involve the transfer of UTXOs to create new transaction outputs. By leveraging UTXOs, Bitcoin provides a transparent and secure means of recording ownership and facilitating peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries.

UTXOs play a significant role in ensuring the security and integrity of the Bitcoin network. The decentralized nature of the blockchain relies on consensus among network participants to validate transactions and maintain a shared ledger. With each transaction, UTXOs are created and consumed, forming a chain of ownership that is verified by nodes on the network through complex cryptographic algorithms.

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