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Joy of missing out (JOMO) is the opposite of fear of missing out (FOMO). It is the feeling of satisfaction or relief that one experiences when they are not involved in a particular activity or trend, especially when that activity or trend is perceived as being risky or undesirable.

JOMO is often associated with cryptocurrencies, as many investors who have avoided investing in BTC and other cryptocurrencies have expressed happiness when prices have fallen. This is because the price of crypto assets, particularly Bitcoin, is highly volatile. This means that investors who have steered clear of BTC and other cryptocurrencies are likely to feel a sense of JOMO when prices fall, as they are not exposed to the risk of losing money.

JOMO can also be felt by those who have invested in cryptocurrencies but have held on to their investments despite the price decline. These investors may feel a sense of satisfaction that they did not sell their investments at a loss, and may even feel that they have made a wise decision by holding on to their investments.

The biggest source of JOMO is likely to be felt when ICOs turn out to be fake, reinforcing the view that crypto-assets are risky. In these cases, investors who have avoided investing in ICOs may feel a sense of relief that they did not lose money on a fraudulent investment.

Overall, JOMO is a complex emotion that can be felt by a variety of people in a variety of situations. It is important to note that JOMO is not always a positive emotion, as it can also be associated with feelings of regret or FOMO. However, in the context of cryptocurrencies, JOMO can be a valuable emotion, as it can help investors to avoid making risky investments.

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