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DApps are any computer programs that are run via a distributed network of computer nodes rather than a single server.

Blockchain systems that allow smart contracts, the first of which was Ethereum, enabled the idea of a decentralized application (ETH). In addition to being a normal coin, Ethereum also supports the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is a distributed computer whose state is exactly specified at any given time thanks to a consensus mechanism. ‍

EVM is Turing-complete, which means it can do all of the operations that a normal computer is supposed to be capable of. Solidity, the EVM’s own programming language, enables developers to write and execute whatever applications they want on the EVM in a decentralized way.

DApps may offer the same level of service as conventional applications while also benefiting from the full benefits of decentralization, such as near-constant uptime and resilience to censorship and corruption, thanks to the way they are implemented.

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