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The virtual version of a fiat currency is referred to as central bank digital currency (CBDC). A CBDC is a digital token or electronic record of a country’s official currency. As such, the monetary authority or central bank of the country issues and regulates it. As a result, they are backed by the issuing government’s complete confidence and credit. By integrating the unbanked into the financial system, CBDCs may make monetary and fiscal policy implementation easier and increase financial inclusion in an economy. They may destroy people’ privacy since they are a centralized type of cash. CBDCs are now being developed in many parts of the globe.

IMF Sounds Alarm on Web3’s Promise of a New Financial System

The IMF warns of the growing cyber threats to the global financial system. The global financial system is undergoing an unprecedented digital transformation, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Central banks around the globe are considering digital currencies and modernizing payment systems. Around 100 countries are exploring Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) at various levels. The Growing Cyber Threat  The International...

CBDC, Cryptocurrencies, Front page, Main, News, Web3

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G20 will examine cryptocurrency regulations this week

On Monday, the OECD proposed a framework to the G20 designed to improve cryptocurrency transparency on a global scale. When both the new framework and the revised standards are put into place, it may be the end of the “wild west” of cryptocurrencies and the global patchwork of regulations as we know it. The Group of Twenty (G20) is an international forum for economic and financial cooperation among 20 member nations. The G20...

CBDC, Crypto regulation, Crypto world, Cryptocurrencies, Front page, News

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Funcionaria del Tesoro: Estados Unidos se está quedando atrás en la carrera del dólar digital

l jueves, un alto funcionario de la Reserva Federal emitió una severa advertencia a los legisladores de la Cámara: si el banco central tarda demasiado en emitir una moneda digital, la supremacía mundial del dólar puede verse comprometida . “Si no actuamos rápidamente, existe el riesgo de que el papel del dólar como moneda de reserva mundial llegue a su fin”, dijo Lael Brainard, miembro de la junta de gobernadores del banco central...

CBDC, Criptomonedas, Portada

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Treasury Official: U.S. Falling Behind In Digital Dollar Race

On Thursday, a senior Federal Reserve official issued a stern warning to House lawmakers: If the central bank takes too long to issue a digital currency, the dollar’s worldwide supremacy may be jeopardized. “If we don’t act quickly, there is a risk that the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency will come to an end,” said Lael Brainard, a member of the U.S. central bank’s board of governors. Brainard...

Blockchain, CBDC, Cryptocurrencies, Front page

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Banks have stopped seeing fintech startups as competition

The event organized by IEBS last Thursday collected the statements and advice of several of the greatest experts in the blockchain and cryptoactive sector Barcelona, ​​January 31, 2022.- Last Thursday, IEBS Digital School organized the first edition of the Blockchain & Fintech Day event, an inspiring event in which experts from the world of blockchain technology, decentralized finance, and crypto assets told firsthand hand in hand with...

CBDC, Cryptocurrencies, DeFi, Fintech, NFTs, Press release

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