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Tag: Glossary

Glossary of commonly found crypto terms, acronyms, profiles, and useful resources.

Take Profit

Refers to a predetermined price at which a trader decides to sell their cryptocurrencies to secure profits. It is a strategy used to capitalize on price movements and lock in gains. Traders set a specific price level that they believe the cryptocurrency will reach or surpass, triggering the sale of their assets. This approach helps manage risk and ensures traders don’t miss out on potential gains. Take-profit levels are based on various...

Cryptocurrencies, Glossary

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Timelock / Locktime

In the context of cryptocurrencies, a timelock refers to a mechanism that imposes a predetermined delay before certain actions or transactions can be executed on a blockchain. It is a feature designed to introduce time-based restrictions or conditions on the movement or usage of digital assets. Timelocks are a useful tool for introducing delays and restrictions to ensure security, accountability, and proper governance within the cryptocurrency...

Blockchain, Glossary

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Ticker Symbol

In the world of cryptocurrencies, ticker symbols are shorthand codes used to uniquely identify individual cryptocurrencies or tokens. They are similar to stock symbols used in traditional financial markets. Ticker symbols are typically composed of uppercase letters or a combination of letters and numbers. These symbols serve as a convenient way to reference specific cryptocurrencies in a concise and standardized manner. For example, Bitcoin’s...

Cryptocurrencies, Glossary

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In the world of cryptocurrency, the term “on-chain” refers to data that is stored or a process that is implemented and executed within a blockchain system. This includes all transactions that have been recorded to the blockchain, as well as other data such as wallet balances, smart contract codes, and token issuances. What is on-chain? On-chain transactions are irreversible and processed on the blockchain network. Since the transaction...

Blockchain, Glossary

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What are Synthetic Assets and Why Are They Important for DeFi?

In Brief: Synthetic assets are crypto assets that mimic the value of other assets using smart contracts and collateral. Synthetic assets enable users to access any asset class without owning or trading the actual asset. Synthetic assets have various use cases for DeFi users, such as access, liquidity, diversification, and innovation. Synthetic assets can be created and traded on various platforms on Ethereum and other blockchains. Synthetic...

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