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Tag: Cryptocurrencies

Why is it that DAI cannot maintain parity with the Dollar?

DAI is a stablecoin that is issued when someone asks for a loan, therefore every DAI in circulation is someone’s debt. If a participant in the ecosystem decided to save that DAI (not spend it), some borrower will have difficulties paying their loan (plus interest), entering into default. This is exactly the same as in the traditional financial system. The collective imagination thinks that banks lend the deposits they previously...

$DAI, Altcoins, Cryptocurrencies, Featured

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Mining Bitcoins today

Mining is the process by which Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are created. The mining activity is carried out through networks of individuals working alone or in groups. Mining is also the action of confirming the validity of operations with existing currencies, as a participant in the aforementioned network, a participation that, of course, is remunerated in cryptocurrencies. In strictly technical terms, anyone is in a position...

Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Featured

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Why do altcoins decrease in performance when Bitcoin is rising?

When Bitcoin rises slowly, it can cause an “altseason” to occur. In fact, ETH has outperformed BTC so far this year in percentage terms, which is why the growing momentum may be returning to Bitcoin.  Especially during the month of August, many DeFi tokens surged 5-20 times, causing a massive altcoin craze. However, when the price of Bitcoin increases in the short term, it can cause the market for altcoins...

Altcoins, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies

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Top Cryptocurrency Exchanges in 2020

As the market for cryptocurrencies grows, new exchanges continue to appear where we can acquire them and open exchange operations. With so many options available, it is difficult to decide what is best suited to meet our expectations. In this summary, we make an analysis of the best cryptocurrency exchange houses available. An exchange, also known as an “exchange platform” or simply “exchange”, is a platform...

Cryptocurrencies, Exchanges, Featured

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