6th European Blockchain Convention
The meeting point of the Blockchain industry in Europe

Date(s): December 13, 2021 – December 16, 2021

Location: Virtual Event
Featured Speakers
The event has the biggest lineup in Blockchain, see here.
About the Event
European Blockchain Convention is the meeting point of the Blockchain industry in Europe. Do not miss this one-week online event filled with inspiring keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, one-to-one meetings, and high-level networking.
The place to meet 2.500+ tech leaders, regulators, investors, corporations, developers, and entrepreneurs from the Blockchain industry.
The meeting point of the Blockchain industry in Europe
European Blockchain Convention is a four-day online event filled with inspiring keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, one-to-one meetings, and high-level networking.
The place to meet 2.500+ entrepreneurs, investors, corporations, developers, and tech leaders from the Blockchain industry.
Event Topics
See the complete agenda and topics list here.